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A concurrent functional programming language

👀 Stay tuned! Fuyu is not yet released. Follow progress on the GitHub repository .

Fuyu is a concurrent functional programming language designed around the idea that a small number of orthogonal yet cohesive features make code easy to read, write, and reason about.

Easy to understand

Fuyu has just four kinds of entities: types, values, functions, and proofs. Combine these to express complex ideas with surprising ease, all while maintaining a clean and readable codebase


Spawn hundreds of thousands of lightweight tasks to tackle problems concurrently. Fuyu targets the BEAM virtual machine, making concurrency scalable and fault-tolerant.

Statically typed

The types of every expression are verified at compile time. If any types are inconsistent, the compiler rejects the program. This process eliminates an entire class of errors before the program is executed.

Type inference

Omit type annotations to reduce visual clutter while maintaining type safety. Type annotations are required for functions, and the compiler will determine the types for the rest.


Proofs are values that provide evidence that a computation can be completed, enabling polymorphism and more advanced behaviors. The compiler automatically inserts proofs into functions based on the context in which the function is used.


All values are immutable, allowing them to be safely shared between concurrent tasks without the need for synchronization. Programs are easier to understand because values remain constant after they are created.