📄️ Comments
Comments are used to annotate and document code.
📄️ Primitives
Primitives are fundamental types that just exist. These types cannot be
📄️ Collections
Fuyu has several collection types; however, there are two with first-class
📄️ Expressions
Expressions are things that can be evaluated to obtain a value. Combinations
📄️ Control flow
Control flow constructs are used to direct the execution path of a program
📄️ Patterns
A pattern simultaneously describes value and shape. Patterns can include,
📄️ Functions
Functions are declared with def and have zero or more arguments in
📄️ Types
A new type is created with the type keyword. The simplest types are
📄️ Implicits
Implicits are arguments that are automatically filled in by the compiler.
📄️ Traits
Traits describe what values of different types can do. For example, something
📄️ Concurrency
Fuyu uses structured concurrency to manage parallel processes. Structured
📄️ Modules
A module is a file of Fuyu source text that declares bindings which can be